BlogTime is a responsive blogging and portfolio WordPress theme.
All Features
Full post format support including audio player through MediaElement.js
Responsive design so it looks great across all sized devices.
Portfolio section with .
Theme Options to easily setup your theme (view screenshots to see options available).
Shortcodes integration through the free plugin.
No bloated code, everything nicely commented and organised ready for developers.
Widget Ready sidebar (simply don’t add any widgets to use theme in full width mode).
Full Width page template.
Support is provided via the over at Simnor Labs where you can also find the documentation and knowledge base articles.
Lato font from Google Web Fonts:
Zocial icon set through the fontello icon font generator:
Portfolio images are from PlaceIt: you can create your own images there.
Blog post images are from Burning Well:
= 1.0 =
* First release.