GridFolio is a clean, minimal, single page grid-based WordPress theme. Perfect for a porfolio site but can be used for any number of purposes.
The site can be set up thousands of different ways, whatever you can dream up!
Also available in a
- Lite or Dark Style (See screenshots!)
- Demo XML Import Included β Sample backgrounds, images, alternate layouts and more!
- Easy to add large portfolio items with optional slider! (custom post type)
- Built on the powerful 12 Column Grid
- WordPress custom background support
- Lightbox Ready
- Font-Face Headings
- Two optional footer menus
- Add Additional CSS witout modifying theme files!
- Add Additional JavaScript β Great for Google Analytics!
- Custom image or plain text logo
- Contact Form with JavaScript and PHP validation
- Translation Ready / Internationalized (Using: __() and _e() Tags with included .po file)
- Theme loads ie7-js to upgrade IE to be more compatible with modern browsers
- Gravatar support on blog for comments
- Favicon Ready
- PSDs Included for logo, icons promo and layout
WordPress Plugins Used in Demo:
Fancybox for WordPress (Free and not required but highly suggested!)