Sunday, August 4, 2013

FlowerApp - Mobile Software Landing Page - Wordpress Theme Download

FlowerApp - Mobile Software Landing Page - Apps Technology


Awesome, colorful & contrast FlowerApp theme is specially made for any creative agency, startups, mobile application showcase, or any other type of business.

If you want to look different from thousands of other landing pages, FLowerApp Landing is the best choice!


  • Clean and minimal design

  • Unique layout

  • All major browsers supported

  • Built in flexible image slideshow

  • Google web fonts

  • CSS3 features

  • HTML5 features

+ PSD file included
Zip file includes 3 folders: html, psd + documentation

Template uses Google API Fonts. This means you don’t need to manage your own font files, all fonts will be read from Google server. For more information & fonts check the following URL :

Icons used in this template are from our Icon set:

iphone in header is used in demo purpose, you can easy edit PSD file & put your own app design, or change iphone into something else at all!

P.S. Important! We disabled HTML Preview, because of a lot of crackers.

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